Financial Results

Results at a glance and
financial statements

Results at a Glance

Financial Year End 31 Dec (SGD’000)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Profit and Loss Statement
Revenue 73,247 133,328 179,011 105,607
Profit before tax 5,215 22,538 33,902 28,998
Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company 3,081 14,818 20,116 12,937
Earnings per share1 (cents) 3.5 16.5 22.4 14.4
Balance Sheet (as at 31 Dec)
Non-current assets 30,664 40,674 63,312 82,731
Current assets 19,498 32,168 49,337 38,105
Non-current liabilities 5,153 2,780 2,529 2,889
Current liabilities 8,569 14,285 32,770 18,044
Net assets value (NAV) attributable to equity holders of the Company 22,014 37,089 51,786 61,074
NAV per share1 (cents) 24.5 41.2 57.5 67.9

1 Calculated based on the equity attributable to equity holders of the Company over the total issued and allocated shares of 90,000 as at 31 December 2023

Note: Financial figures presented herein for FY2023 are unaudited figures.

Financial Statements

Note: Financial figures presented herein for FY2023 are unaudited figures.